Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits > Class Template Reference

TextBoxConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Text Box node concept. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node/concept/text_box.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >:

Public Member Functions

void backspaceAtCursor ()
 Deletes a character using backspace.
void backspaceWordAtCursor ()
 Deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary using backspace.
void cancelTextComposition ()
 Tells a Text Box node to cancel text composition.
void clearSelection ()
 Clears the current selection.
void commitCompositionText ()
 Tells a Text Box node to commit the composition text.
void deleteAtCursor ()
 Deletes a character using delete.
void deleteSelection ()
 Erases selected text.
void deleteText (size_t begin, size_t end)
 Moves the cursor to position begin and erases UTF-8 characters between positions a\ begin and end.
void deleteWordAtCursor ()
 Deletes the characters between the cursor position and the word boundary that follows the cursor.
void enterEditingState ()
 Tells a Text Box node to enter the editing state.
string getCompositionText () const
 Returns the composition text.
string getDisplayText () const
 Returns a displayable text that Kanzi constructs from the text buffer of the input manipulator owned by the Text Box node, using the kanzi::EchoMode of the Text Box.
float getLineHeight ()
 Returns the line height of the font that the Text Box node uses.
string getSelectedText ()
 Returns the text that is currently selected in the Text Box node.
size_t getSelectionEnd () const
 Returns the end index for the current selection.
optional< size_t > getSelectionStart () const
 Returns the start index for the current text selection, or nullopt if no text is selected.
bool hasSelection () const
 Returns whether any of the text in a Text Box node is selected.
void insertText (size_t position, string_view text)
 Moves the cursor to a given position and inserts text to that position.
void insertTextAtCursor (string_view text)
 Inserts text in a Text Box node at the cursor position and moves the cursor forward.
void leaveEditingState ()
 Tells a Text Box node to leave the editing state.
void moveCursorBackward ()
 Moves the cursor backward by one character.
void moveCursorBackward (size_t distance)
 Moves the cursor backward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveCursorForward ()
 Moves the cursor forward by one character.
void moveCursorForward (size_t distance)
 Moves the cursor forward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveCursorHome ()
 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveCursorToEnd ()
 Moves the cursor to the end of the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveCursorToNextWord ()
 Moves the cursor to the next word.
void moveCursorToPreviousWord ()
 Moves the cursor to the previous word.
void moveSelectionEndBackward ()
 Moves the end of the text selection backward by one character.
void moveSelectionEndBackward (size_t distance)
 Moves the end of text selection backward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveSelectionEndForward ()
 Moves the end of the text selection forward by one character.
void moveSelectionEndForward (size_t distance)
 Moves the end of text selection forward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveSelectionEndpointBackward (size_t steps)
 Moves the active selection end-point backward with steps passed as argument.
void moveSelectionEndpointForward (size_t steps)
 Moves the active selection end-point forward with steps passed as argument.
void moveSelectionEndpointToBack ()
 Moves the active selection end-point to the end of the text.
void moveSelectionEndpointToFront ()
 Moves the active selection end-point to the front.
void moveSelectionEndpointToNextWord ()
 Moves the active selection end-point forward to the previous word boundary.
void moveSelectionEndpointToPreviousWord ()
 Moves the active selection end-point backward to the previous word boundary.
void moveSelectionEndToNextWord ()
 Moves the end of the text selection forward to the next word.
void moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord ()
 Moves the end of the text selection backward to the previous word.
void moveSelectionStartBackward ()
 Moves the beginning of the text selection backward by one character.
void moveSelectionStartBackward (size_t distance)
 Moves the start of text selection backward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveSelectionStartForward ()
 Moves the beginning of the text selection forward by one character.
void moveSelectionStartForward (size_t distance)
 Moves the selection start forward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
void moveSelectionStartToNextWord ()
 Moves the beginning of the text selection forward to the next word.
void moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord ()
 Moves the beginning of the text selection backward to the previous word.
void notifyPostPrepareTextFormat (bool completeRelayoutingExecuted)
 Kanzi calls this function every time it successfully completes the prepareTextFormat function.
void selectAll ()
 Selects all the content in a Text Box node.
void selectText (size_t from, size_t to)
 Selects the text between given indexes (cursor positions).
void selectWordAt (size_t characterPosition)
 Selects the word at the specified character position.
void selectWordAtCursor ()
 Selects the word at the current cursor position.
void setSelectionEnd (size_t index)
 Sets the end index for the current selection.
void setSelectionStart (size_t index)
 Sets the start index for the current selection.
BrushSharedPtr getSelectionBackgroundBrush () const
 Returns the value of the SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty.
void setSelectionBackgroundBrush (BrushSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of the SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty.
BrushSharedPtr getSelectionForegroundBrush () const
 Returns the value of the SelectionForegroundBrushProperty.
void setSelectionForegroundBrush (BrushSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of the SelectionForegroundBrushProperty.
BrushSharedPtr getCompositionBackgroundBrush () const
 Returns the value of the CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty.
void setCompositionBackgroundBrush (BrushSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of the CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty.
BrushSharedPtr getCompositionForegroundBrush () const
 Returns the value of the CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty.
void setCompositionForegroundBrush (BrushSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of the CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty.
size_t getCursorPosition ()
 Returns the value of the CursorPositionProperty.
void setCursorPosition (size_t value)
 Sets the value of the CursorPositionProperty.
bool isReadOnly () const
 Returns the value of the ReadOnlyProperty.
void setReadOnly (bool value)
 Sets the value of the ReadOnlyProperty.
size_t getMaximumTextLength () const
 Returns the value of the MaximumTextLengthProperty.
void setMaximumTextLength (size_t value)
 Sets the value of the MaximumTextLengthProperty.
PrefabTemplateSharedPtr getCursorPrefab () const
 Returns the value of the CursorPrefabProperty.
void setCursorPrefab (const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr &prefab)
 Sets the value of the CursorPrefabProperty.
PrefabTemplateSharedPtr getSelectionStartPrefab () const
 Returns the value of the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.
void setSelectionStartPrefab (const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr &prefab)
 Sets the value of the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.
PrefabTemplateSharedPtr getSelectionEndPrefab () const
 Returns the value of the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.
void setSelectionEndPrefab (const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr &prefab)
 Sets the value of the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.
PrefabTemplateSharedPtr getTextHintPrefab () const
 Returns the value of the TextHintPrefabProperty.
void setTextHintPrefab (const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr &prefab)
 Sets the value of the TextHintPrefabProperty.
bool isHideTextHintWhenFocused () const
 Returns the value of the HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty.
void setHideTextHintWhenFocused (bool value)
 Sets the value of the HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty.
EchoMode getEchoMode () const
 Returns the value of the EchoModeProperty.
void setEchoMode (const EchoMode &mode)
 Sets the value of the EchoModeProperty.
InputType getInputType () const
 Returns the value of the InputTypeProperty.
void setInputType (const InputType &inputType)
 Sets the value of the InputTypeProperty.
EditMode getEditMode () const
 Returns the value of the EditModeProperty.
void setEditMode (const EditMode &mode)
 Sets the value of the EditModeProperty.
bool isEditing () const
 Returns the value of the IsEditingProperty.
bool isComposingText () const
 Returns the value of the IsComposingTextProperty.
size_t getCharacterCount ()
 Returns the value of the CharacterCountProperty.
size_t getWordCount ()
 Returns the value of the WordCountProperty.
int getPasswordEchoTimeout () const
 Returns the value of the PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty.
void setPasswordEchoTimeout (int timeout)
 Sets the value of the PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty.
string getPasswordMaskingCharacter () const
 Returns the value of the PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty.
void setPasswordMaskingCharacter (string_view passwordMask)
 Sets the value of the PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty.
InputMethodAction getInputMethodAction () const
 Returns the value of the InputMethodActionProperty.
void setInputMethodAction (InputMethodAction label)
 Sets the value of the InputMethodActionProperty.
TextKeyNavigationDirection getTextKeyNavigationDirection () const
 Returns the value of the TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty.
void setTextKeyNavigationDirection (TextKeyNavigationDirection direction)
 Sets the value of the TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextBoxConcept
 KZ_METACLASS_PROPERTY_TYPE (CompositionTextProperty)
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
ColorRGBA getFontColor () const
 Gets the value of the FontColorProperty.
MaterialSharedPtr getFontMaterial () const
 Gets the value of the FontMaterialProperty.
bool getHorizontalFit () const
 Gets the value of the HorizontalFitProperty.
Vector2 getHorizontalFitScaleLimits () const
 Gets the value of the HorizontalFitScaleLimitsProperty.
Vector2 getHorizontalPadding () const
 Gets the value of HorizontalPaddingProperty.
string getOverflow () const
 Gets the value of the OverflowProperty.
bool getRemoveSideBearings () const
 Gets the value of the RemoveSideBearingsProperty.
string getText () const
 Gets the value of TextProperty.
TextFormat::TextHorizontalAlignment getTextHorizontalAlignment () const
 Gets the value of the TextHorizontalAlignmentProperty.
TextFormat::TextVerticalAlignment getTextVerticalAlignment () const
 Gets the value of the TextVerticalAlignmentProperty.
TextFormat::Truncation getTruncation () const
 Gets the value of the TruncationProperty.
TextFormat::TruncationDirection getTruncationDirection () const
 Gets the value of the TruncationDirectionProperty.
Vector2 getVerticalPadding () const
 Gets the value of VerticalPaddingProperty.
void setFontColor (ColorRGBA value)
 Sets the value of the FontColorProperty.
void setFontMaterial (MaterialSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of the FontMaterialProperty.
void setHorizontalFit (bool value)
 Sets the value of the HorizontalFitProperty.
void setHorizontalFitScaleLimits (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of the HorizontalFitScaleLimitsProperty.
void setHorizontalPadding (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of HorizontalPaddingProperty.
void setOverflow (string_view value)
 Sets the value of the OverflowProperty.
void setRemoveSideBearings (bool value)
 Sets the value of the RemoveSideBearingsProperty.
void setText (string value)
 Sets the value of TextProperty.
void setTextHorizontalAlignment (TextFormat::TextHorizontalAlignment value)
 Sets the value of the TextHorizontalAlignmentProperty.
void setTextVerticalAlignment (TextFormat::TextVerticalAlignment value)
 Sets the value of the TextVerticalAlignmentProperty.
void setTruncation (TextFormat::Truncation value)
 Sets the value of the TruncationProperty.
void setTruncationDirection (TextFormat::TruncationDirection value)
 Sets the value of the TruncationDirectionProperty.
void setVerticalPadding (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of VerticalPaddingProperty.
virtual ~TextConceptImpl ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextConcept
virtual ~TextConcept ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::FontStyleConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
float getCharacterSpacing () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::CharacterSpacingProperty property.
float getFixedCharacterWidth () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::FixedCharacterWidthProperty property.
float getFontSize () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::SizeProperty property.
FontStyle getFontStyle () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::StyleProperty property.
FontWeight getFontWeight () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::WeightProperty property.
bool getFractionalCharacterWidth () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::FractionalCharacterWidthProperty property.
FontHintingPreference getHintingPreference () const
 Gets the value of HintingPreferenceProperty.
float getLineSpacing () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::LineSpacingProperty property.
FontRuntimeSharedPtr getRuntimeFont ()
 Gets the runtime font.
bool getSnapCharacterToPixel () const
 Gets the value of the FontStyleConcept::SnapCharacterToPixelProperty property.
void releaseRuntimeFont ()
 Releases the runtime font that is held by FontStyleConceptImpl.
void setCharacterSpacing (float value)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::CharacterSpacingProperty property.
void setFixedCharacterWidth (float value)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::FixedCharacterWidthProperty property.
void setFontSize (float value)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::SizeProperty property.
void setFontStyle (FontStyle style)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::StyleProperty property.
void setFontWeight (FontWeight weight)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::WeightProperty property.
void setFractionalCharacterWidth (bool enable)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::FractionalCharacterWidthProperty property.
void setHintingPreference (FontHintingPreference hintingPreference)
 Sets the value of HintingPreferenceProperty.
void setLineSpacing (float value)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::LineSpacingProperty property.
void setSnapCharacterToPixel (bool enable)
 Sets the value of the FontStyleConcept::SnapCharacterToPixelProperty property.
bool updateRuntimeFont ()
 Updates the runtime font.

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextBoxConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::FontStyleConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()

Protected Member Functions

vector< pair< float, float > > calculateCompositionHighlightCoordinates () const
 Calculates the individual composition text highlight coordinates of a given Text Box node state.
vector< pair< float, float > > calculateSelectionCoordinates () const
 Calculates the individual selection coordinates of a given Text Box node state.
void censorRevealedCharacter ()
 Censors the revealed character in password echo mode.
TextConcept::TextFormatParameters createTextFormatParameters (float width, float height) const
 Creates the parameters that are needed for initializing the TextFormat of a Text Box node.
void deleteCharactersAtCursor (int count)
 Deletes a given number of characters at cursor position.
pair< float, floatgetSelectionEndPoints () const
 Returns the selection end point coordinates from the given Text Box node state.
string getTextForFormatting () const
 Returns the m_displayText with added explicit directionality marker if it is a password text.
void handleBackspaceAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::EraseCharactersMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::BackspaceAtCursorMessage.
void handleBackspaceWordAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::EraseCharactersMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage.
void handleCancelTextComposition (TextBoxConcept::TextCompositionStateMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::CancelTextCompositionMessage.
void handleClearSelection (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::ClearSelectionMessage.
void handleCommitCompositionText (TextBoxConcept::TextCompositionStateMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::CommitCompositionTextMessage.
void handleDeleteAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::EraseCharactersMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteAtCursorMessage.
void handleDeleteSelectionMessage (TextBoxConcept::DeleteSelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteSelectionMessage.
void handleDeleteTextMessage (TextBoxConcept::TextRangeMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteTextMessage.
void handleDeleteWordAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::EraseCharactersMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteWordAtCursorMessage.
void handleEnterEditing (TextBoxConcept::ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::EnterEditingStateMessage.
void handleInsertTextAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::TextContentMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::InsertTextAtCursorMessage.
void handleInsertTextMessage (TextBoxConcept::TextInsertionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::InsertTextMessage.
void handleLeaveEditing (TextBoxConcept::ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::LeaveEditingStateMessage.
void handleMoveCursorBackward (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorBackwardMessage.
void handleMoveCursorForward (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorForwardMessage.
void handleMoveCursorHome (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorHomeMessage.
void handleMoveCursorToEnd (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToEndMessage.
void handleMoveCursorToNextWord (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToNextWordMessage.
void handleMoveCursorToPreviousWord (const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionEndBackward (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionEndForward (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage (TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage (TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionStartBackward (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionStartForward (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage (TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage.
void handleMoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage (TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage.
void handleSelectAll (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectAllMessage.
void handleSelectTextMessage (TextBoxConcept::TextRangeMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectTextMessage.
void handleSelectToEnd (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectToEndMessage.
void handleSelectToHome (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectToHomeMessage.
void handleSelectWordAtCursor (const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectWordAtCursorMessage.
bool hitTestAfterSelectionEnd (Vector2 point) const
 Checks whether the point is positioned after the point where text selection ends.
bool hitTestAheadSelectionStart (Vector2 point) const
 Checks whether the point is positioned ahead of the point where text selection starts.
bool hitTestSelectionEnd (Vector2 point) const
 Checks whether the point is on the selection ending point surroundings.
bool hitTestSelectionStart (Vector2 point) const
 Checks whether the point is on the selection starting point surroundings.
void initialize ()
 TextBoxConceptImpl specific initialization.
void moveCursorToPoint (const Vector2 &point)
 Moves the cursor to a given point.
void onAboutToLoseFocus (FocusManager::PreFocusMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for FocusManager::AboutToLoseFocusMessage.
void onCompositionTextChanged (TextInputManipulator::TextCompositionStateMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::CompositionTextChangedMessage.
void onCompositionTextCommitted (TextInputManipulator::TextCompositionStateMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::CompositionTextCommittedMessage.
void onCursorMoved (TextInputManipulator::CursorMovedMessageArguments &args)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::CursorMovedMessage.
void onDetached () override
 Overrides Node::onDetached().
void onEchoModeChanged ()
 Handles the change of the kanzi::EchoMode.
void onFocusGained (FocusManager::PostFocusMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for FocusManager::FocusGainedMessage.
void onFocusLost (FocusManager::PostFocusMessageArguments &args)
 Handler for FocusManager::FocusLostMessage.
void onInputAction (TextInputManipulator::InputMethodActionMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::InputMethodActionMessage.
void onInputMethodAvailableChanged (TextInputManipulator::InputMethodAvailableChangedMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::InputMethodAvailableChangedMessage.
void onInputMethodsDisconnected (TextInputManipulator::InputMethodsDisconnectedMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::InputMethodDeactivatedMessage.
void onInputTypeChanged (TextInputManipulator::InputTypeChangedMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::InputTypeChangedMessage.
void onInputTypePropertyChanged ()
 Handles the change of the kanzi::InputType.
void onMultiClick (const Vector2 &clickPoint)
 Handles the multi-click gesture on a node.
void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) override
 Node::onPropertyChanged implementation.
void onPanFinished ()
 Handles pan finishing.
void onPanMoved (Vector2 point)
 Handles the pan gesture, to drag the cursors including the selection cursors.
void onPanStarted (Vector2 clickPoint)
 Handles the click begin.
void onReadOnlyStateChanged (TextInputManipulator::ReadOnlyStateChangedMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::ReadOnlyStateChangedMessage.
void onSelectionChanged (TextInputManipulator::SelectionChangedMessageArguments &args)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::SelectionChangedMessage.
void onTextChanged (TextInputManipulator::TextChangedMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::TextChangedMessage.
void onTextCompositionCanceled (TextInputManipulator::TextCompositionStateMessageArguments &)
 Handles TextInputManipulator::TextCompositionCanceledMessage.
void onTextPropertyChanged ()
 Handles the update of the TextProperty.
void refreshTextHint ()
 Refresh text hint visibility.
void reloadCursor ()
 Reloads from the CursorPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor.
void reloadSelectionEnd ()
 Reloads from the SelectionEndPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection.
void reloadSelectionStart ()
 Reloads from the SelectionStartPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection.
void reloadTextHint ()
 Reloads from the TextHintPrefabProperty the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the TextBox node is empty.
void setRevealLastInsertedCharacter (bool reveal)
 Sets whether to reveal the last inserted character in password echo mode.
void startEditing ()
 Tells a Text Box node to enter the editing state.
 TextBoxConceptImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void updateCharacterCount ()
 Updates the value of the CharacterCountProperty.
void updateCompositionText ()
 Updates the value of the CompositionTextProperty.
void updateDisplayText ()
 Updates the value of the DisplayTextProperty.
void updateDraggingStatus ()
 Updates the dragging flags:
void updateWordCount ()
 Updates the value of the WordCountProperty.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextBoxConcept
void drawRectangle (Renderer3D &renderer, const Matrix4x4 &transform, const Vector2 &topLeft, const Vector2 &bottomRight, float z, const Material &material)
 Draws a filled rectangle with given corner coordinates and z-plane.
float getTextHeight (const TextFormat &textFormat) const
 Returns the height in pixels of the text from the given text format.
float getTextTop (const TextFormat &textFormat) const
 Returns the top of the text in a line.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::TextConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
void prepareTextFormat (const TextFormatParameters &parameters, string text)
 Updates the parameters and text of the internal text format.
 TextConceptImpl ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::FontStyleConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
 FontStyleConceptImpl ()=default

Static Protected Member Functions

static Rectangle< floattransformRect (const Matrix3x3 &m, Rectangle< float > rect)
 Transforms a given rectangle with a given matrix.
static Rectangle< floattransformRect (const Matrix4x4 &m, Rectangle< float > rect)
 Transforms a given rectangle with a given matrix.

Protected Attributes

ClassPropertyDefaultValue< boolm_classValueFocusable
 Default value for the Focusable property.
ClassPropertyDefaultValue< boolm_classValueHitTestable
 Default value for the Hit Testable property.
bool m_contentChanged
 Helper flag for editing started and finished messages.
shared_ptr< TBaseClass > m_cursorNode
 Stores the prefab template instantiated from the CursorPrefabProperty.
bool m_draggingBegin
 The drag state of the selection cursor for the start selection cursor.
bool m_draggingEnd
 The drag state of the selection cursor for the end selection cursor.
bool m_draggingInverted
 Indicates whether the selection start index is after the selection end index in x coordinates when either m_draggingBegin or m_draggingEnd is set to true.
TextInputManipulatorSharedPtr m_inputManipulator
 The TextInputManipulator attached to the TextBox.
TextInputLayout m_layoutInfo
vector< Node::MessageSubscriptionTokenm_messageTokens
 The following MessageSubscriptionTokens are used for controlling the message subscription while a TextBox is in editing state.
bool m_panOngoing
 Helper flag for selection change messages.
MainLoopTimerToken m_passwordEchoTimeoutToken
 Timer subscription token for password echo timeout.
bool m_revealLastInsertedCharacter
 Whether to show, instead of censoring, the last inserted character in password echo mode.
shared_ptr< TBaseClass > m_selectionEndNode
 Stores the prefab template instantiated from the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.
shared_ptr< TBaseClass > m_selectionStartNode
 Stores the prefab template instantiated from the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.
shared_ptr< TBaseClass > m_textHintNode
 Stores the prefab template instantiated from the TextHintPrefabProperty.
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::TextConceptImpl< TDerivedClass >
TextFormatPtr m_textFormat
 The text format for the text that this node displays.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from kanzi::TextBoxConcept
enum class  EditMode { Automatic , Triggered }
 The edit modes. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::TextBoxConcept
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCompositionTextChangedMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is updated by the input methods.
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCompositionTextCommittedMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is committed to the cached text.
static MessageType< CursorPositionMessageArgumentsCursorMovedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user moves the cursor in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsEditingFinishedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state after the application user modifies the text content.
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsEditingStartedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user makes the first modification to the text in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< EditingStateChangedMessageArgumentsEnteredEditingStateMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it enters the editing state.
static MessageType< InputMethodActionMessageArgumentsInputMethodActionMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method executes the input action assigned to the text box.
static MessageType< InputMethodAvailableMessageArgumentsInputMethodAvailableMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method becomes available.
static MessageType< InputMethodAvailableMessageArgumentsInputMethodUnavailableMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the composing input method becomes unavailable.
static MessageType< EditingStateChangedMessageArgumentsLeftEditingStateMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state.
static MessageType< SelectedTextMessageArgumentsSelectionChangedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text selection in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< CursorPositionMessageArgumentsSelectionClearedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user clears or resets the text selection in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< SelectedTextMessageArgumentsSelectionStartedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user starts selecting text in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsTextChangedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text in that Text Box node.
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsTextCompositionCanceledMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the text composition is canceled.
static PropertyType< string > DisplayTextProperty
 Reports the text displayed in a Text Box.
static PropertyType< string > CompositionTextProperty
 Reports the text that the user composes in a Text Box using an input method editor (IME).
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights selected text.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for rendering the selected text.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that fills the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
static PropertyType< intCursorPositionProperty
 Sets the position of the cursor in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< intSelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
 Reports the position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< intSelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
 Reports the position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< boolHasSelectionProperty
 Reports whether any of the text in a Text Box node is selected.
static PropertyType< boolReadOnlyProperty
 Sets whether the Text Box node accepts user input.
static PropertyType< intMaximumTextLengthProperty
 Sets the maximum allowed text length in a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCursorPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor, instead of using the default cursor.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionStartPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection, instead of using the default handle.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionEndPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection, instead of using the default handle.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrTextHintPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that a Text Box node uses to show placeholder content when there is no text content in that Text Box node.
static PropertyType< boolHideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi hides the placeholder content, which you set using the TextHintPrefabProperty, either:
static PropertyType< EchoModeEchoModeProperty
 Sets how a Text Box node shows text.
static PropertyType< InputTypeInputTypeProperty
 Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input for a Text Box.
static PropertyType< EditModeEditModeProperty
 Sets the edit mode of a Text Box node. The default value is EditMode::Automatic.
static PropertyType< boolIsEditingProperty
 Reports the editing state of a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< boolIsComposingTextProperty
 Reports the text composition state of a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< intCharacterCountProperty
 Contains the number of characters in a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< intWordCountProperty
 Contains the number of words in a Text Box node.
static PropertyType< intPasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
 Sets the time in milliseconds that Kanzi shows an inserted character before masking it when using the EchoMode::Password echo mode.
static PropertyType< string > PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
 Sets the UTF-8 character that masks each password character when using EchoMode::Password.
static PropertyType< InputMethodActionInputMethodActionProperty
 Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard.
static PropertyType< TextKeyNavigationDirectionTextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
 Sets the direction of key navigation for the Text Box node.
static MessageType< TextContentMessageArgumentsInsertTextAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to insert given text at the cursor position.
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsBackspaceAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the previous character in the text string.
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsBackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the previous word boundary in the text string.
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsDeleteAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the next character in the text string.
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsDeleteWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the next word boundary in the text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor backward in a text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor forward in the text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the previous word boundary in the text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the next word boundary in the text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorHomeMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the beginning of the text string.
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToEndMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the end of the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward by one character in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward by one character in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string.
static MessageType< TextRangeMessageArgumentsSelectTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text between two character indexes in the current text string.
static MessageType< TextRangeMessageArgumentsDeleteTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to delete the text between two character indexes in the current text string.
static MessageType< DeleteSelectionMessageArgumentsDeleteSelectionMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase any currently selected text.
static MessageType< TextInsertionMessageArgumentsInsertTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to insert given text at a given position.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectToHomeMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text from the beginning of the text string to the cursor position.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectToEndMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text from the cursor position to the end of the text string.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsClearSelectionMessage
 Dispatch this message to clear the current text selection.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectAllMessage
 Dispatch this message to select all text.
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the word at the current cursor position.
static MessageType< ModifyEditingStateMessageArgumentsEnterEditingStateMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node enter the editing state.
static MessageType< ModifyEditingStateMessageArgumentsLeaveEditingStateMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node leave the editing state.
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCommitCompositionTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box commit the composition text.
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCancelTextCompositionMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box cancel the text composition.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::TextConcept
static PropertyType< ColorRGBAFontColorProperty
 Sets the text color for the default font material and for the materials with a fragment shader that uses the FontColor uniform.
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrFontMaterialProperty
 Sets the material whose shader is used to render the text in a 3D text node.
static PropertyType< string > TextProperty
 Sets the text content that a text node renders.
static PropertyType< TextFormat::TextHorizontalAlignmentTextHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the horizontal alignment of the text in a text node.
static PropertyType< TextFormat::TextVerticalAlignmentTextVerticalAlignmentProperty
 Sets the vertical alignment of the text in a text node.
static PropertyType< Vector2HorizontalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the left and right boundaries of a text node.
static PropertyType< Vector2VerticalPaddingProperty
 Sets the padding spaces between the content and the top and bottom boundaries of a text node.
static PropertyType< string > OverflowProperty
 Sets the characters that represent the truncated text when the text string to be rendered is too long to fit in a text node.
static PropertyType< TextFormat::TruncationTruncationProperty
 Sets how to truncate the text when the text string to be rendered is too long to fit in a node.
static PropertyType< TextFormat::TruncationDirectionTruncationDirectionProperty
 Sets which part of the text to truncate when the text string to be rendered is too long to fit in a node.
static PropertyType< boolRemoveSideBearingsProperty
 Sets the position of the leftmost characters of left-aligned text and rightmost characters of right-aligned text exactly within the boundary of the text node.
static PropertyType< boolHorizontalFitProperty
 Allows a Text Block to scale glyphs horizontally when the text string is too long to fit in that Text Block.
static PropertyType< Vector2HorizontalFitScaleLimitsProperty
 Sets the scale range that the HorizontalFitProperty can use when it scales the text horizontally.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::FontStyleConcept
static PropertyType< floatSizeProperty
 Sets the size for the font in pixels.
static PropertyType< FontStyleStyleProperty
 Sets the style for the font.
static PropertyType< FontWeightWeightProperty
 Sets the weight for the font.
static PropertyType< floatCharacterSpacingProperty
 Sets the character spacing in pixels.
static PropertyType< floatFixedCharacterWidthProperty
 Overrides the font advance widths and makes each character take a fixed amount of space specified in pixels.
static PropertyType< floatLineSpacingProperty
 Sets the line spacing in multiples of the normal line height of the selected font.
static PropertyType< boolFractionalCharacterWidthProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi uses fractional or rounded character widths to lay out text.
static PropertyType< boolSnapCharacterToPixelProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi positions characters in 2D rendering to the nearest pixel:
static PropertyType< FontHintingPreferenceHintingPreferenceProperty
 Sets the hinting preference of the selected font.

Detailed Description

template<typename TBaseClass, typename TDerivedClass, typename TTextBoxTraits>
class kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >

TextBoxConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Text Box node concept.

The derived TextBox2D and TextBox3D classes supply the rendering of the text input content in 2D and 3D environment.

Kanzi 3.9.0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TextBoxConceptImpl()

kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::TextBoxConceptImpl ( Domain * domain,
string_view name )


domainThe UI domain to which the new node belongs.
nameThe name of the node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ makeEditorInfo()

◆ getSelectionBackgroundBrush()

BrushSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionBackgroundBrush ( ) const

Returns the value of the SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty.

The brush used to highlight selected text.
See also

◆ setSelectionBackgroundBrush()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionBackgroundBrush ( BrushSharedPtr value)

Sets the value of the SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty.

valueThe brush used to highlight selected text.
See also

◆ getSelectionForegroundBrush()

BrushSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionForegroundBrush ( ) const

Returns the value of the SelectionForegroundBrushProperty.

The brush used for rendering the selected text.
See also

◆ setSelectionForegroundBrush()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionForegroundBrush ( BrushSharedPtr value)

Sets the value of the SelectionForegroundBrushProperty.

valueThe brush used for rendering the selected text.
See also

◆ getCompositionBackgroundBrush()

BrushSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCompositionBackgroundBrush ( ) const

Returns the value of the CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty.

The brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
See also

◆ setCompositionBackgroundBrush()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setCompositionBackgroundBrush ( BrushSharedPtr value)

Sets the value of the CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty.

valueThe brush to use to highlight text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
See also

◆ getCompositionForegroundBrush()

BrushSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCompositionForegroundBrush ( ) const

Returns the value of the CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty.

The brush that fills the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
See also

◆ setCompositionForegroundBrush()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setCompositionForegroundBrush ( BrushSharedPtr value)

Sets the value of the CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty.

valueThe brush to use to fill the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).
See also

◆ getCursorPosition()

size_t kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCursorPosition ( )

Returns the value of the CursorPositionProperty.

The position of the cursor in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
See also

◆ setCursorPosition()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setCursorPosition ( size_t value)

Sets the value of the CursorPositionProperty.

The function adjusts the cursor position if that falls inside a multi-character glyph.

valueThe position of the cursor in the text buffer of a Text Box node.
See also

◆ isReadOnly()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::isReadOnly ( ) const

Returns the value of the ReadOnlyProperty.

True if a Text Box node is in read-only state.
See also

◆ setReadOnly()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setReadOnly ( bool value)

Sets the value of the ReadOnlyProperty.

valueTrue if a Text Box node is in read-only state.
See also

◆ getMaximumTextLength()

size_t kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getMaximumTextLength ( ) const

Returns the value of the MaximumTextLengthProperty.

The maximum allowed text length as UTF-8 characters for a Text Box node. 0 when the limit is not set.
See also

◆ setMaximumTextLength()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setMaximumTextLength ( size_t value)

Sets the value of the MaximumTextLengthProperty.

valueThe maximum allowed text length as UTF-8 characters for a Text Box node. To remove the limit, use 0.
See also

◆ getCursorPrefab()

PrefabTemplateSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCursorPrefab ( ) const

Returns the value of the CursorPrefabProperty.

The prefab template that a Text Box node uses as the cursor.
See also

◆ setCursorPrefab()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setCursorPrefab ( const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr & prefab)

Sets the value of the CursorPrefabProperty.

prefabThe prefab template you want to use as the cursor.
See also

◆ getSelectionStartPrefab()

PrefabTemplateSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionStartPrefab ( ) const

Returns the value of the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.

The prefab template that a Text Box node uses as the marker at the start of the selected text.
See also

◆ setSelectionStartPrefab()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionStartPrefab ( const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr & prefab)

Sets the value of the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.

prefabThe prefab template that you want to use as the marker at the start of the selected text.
See also

◆ getSelectionEndPrefab()

PrefabTemplateSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionEndPrefab ( ) const

Returns the value of the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.

The prefab template that a Text Box node uses as the marker at the end of the selected text.
See also

◆ setSelectionEndPrefab()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionEndPrefab ( const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr & prefab)

Sets the value of the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.

prefabThe prefab template that you want to use as the marker at the end of the selected text.
See also

◆ getTextHintPrefab()

PrefabTemplateSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getTextHintPrefab ( ) const

Returns the value of the TextHintPrefabProperty.

The prefab template that a Text Box node shows when there is no content in that Text Box node.
See also

◆ setTextHintPrefab()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setTextHintPrefab ( const PrefabTemplateSharedPtr & prefab)

Sets the value of the TextHintPrefabProperty.

prefabThe prefab template that you want to show as placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty.
See also

◆ isHideTextHintWhenFocused()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::isHideTextHintWhenFocused ( ) const

Returns the value of the HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty.

If the placeholder content is hidden when the Text Box node is empty and is in editing state, true. If the placeholder content is hidden only when the user enters text in the Text Box node, false.
See also
setHideTextHintWhenFocused(), setTextHintPrefab()

◆ setHideTextHintWhenFocused()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setHideTextHintWhenFocused ( bool value)

Sets the value of the HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty.

valueTo hide the placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty and is in editing state, use true. To hide the placeholder content only when the user enters text in the Text Box node, use false.
See also
isHideTextHintWhenFocused(), getTextHintPrefab()

◆ getEchoMode()

EchoMode kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getEchoMode ( ) const

Returns the value of the EchoModeProperty.

The current echo mode.

◆ setEchoMode()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setEchoMode ( const EchoMode & mode)

Sets the value of the EchoModeProperty.

modeThe echo mode to be set.

◆ getInputType()

InputType kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getInputType ( ) const

Returns the value of the InputTypeProperty.

The current input type.

◆ setInputType()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setInputType ( const InputType & inputType)

Sets the value of the InputTypeProperty.

inputTypeThe input type to set.

◆ getEditMode()

EditMode kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getEditMode ( ) const

Returns the value of the EditModeProperty.

The current edit mode.

◆ setEditMode()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setEditMode ( const EditMode & mode)

Sets the value of the EditModeProperty.

modeThe edit mode to set.

◆ isEditing()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::isEditing ( ) const

Returns the value of the IsEditingProperty.

The editing state.

◆ isComposingText()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::isComposingText ( ) const

Returns the value of the IsComposingTextProperty.

Whether the Text Box is in the text composition state.

◆ getCharacterCount()

size_t kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCharacterCount ( )

Returns the value of the CharacterCountProperty.

The number of UTF-8 characters in a Text Box node.

◆ getWordCount()

size_t kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getWordCount ( )

Returns the value of the WordCountProperty.

The number of words in a Text Box node.

◆ getPasswordEchoTimeout()

int kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getPasswordEchoTimeout ( ) const

Returns the value of the PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty.

The time in milliseconds that an inserted character is displayed before being censored when using the EchoMode::Password echo mode.

◆ setPasswordEchoTimeout()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setPasswordEchoTimeout ( int timeout)

Sets the value of the PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty.

timeoutThe time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before being censored when using the EchoMode::Password echo mode.

◆ getPasswordMaskingCharacter()

string kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getPasswordMaskingCharacter ( ) const

Returns the value of the PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty.

The character that masks input characters when using EchoMode::Password echo mode.

◆ setPasswordMaskingCharacter()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setPasswordMaskingCharacter ( string_view passwordMask)

Sets the value of the PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty.

passwordMaskThe character to use to mask the password when using EchoMode::Password echo mode.

◆ getInputMethodAction()

InputMethodAction kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getInputMethodAction ( ) const

Returns the value of the InputMethodActionProperty.

The value of the input action label.

◆ setInputMethodAction()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setInputMethodAction ( InputMethodAction label)

Sets the value of the InputMethodActionProperty.

labelThe input action label value to set.

◆ getTextKeyNavigationDirection()

TextKeyNavigationDirection kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getTextKeyNavigationDirection ( ) const

Returns the value of the TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty.

The value of the text key navigation direction.

◆ setTextKeyNavigationDirection()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setTextKeyNavigationDirection ( TextKeyNavigationDirection direction)

Sets the value of the TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty.

directionThe text key navigation direction to set.

◆ insertText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::insertText ( size_t position,
string_view text )

Moves the cursor to a given position and inserts text to that position.

After inserting the text, the cursor is in the end of the inserted text.

positionThe position to which you want to insert the text.
textThe text to insert.
See also
setText(), insertTextAtCursor()

◆ moveCursorForward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorForward ( size_t distance)

Moves the cursor forward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters to move the cursor in a Text Box node.
See also
moveCursorToEnd(), moveCursorHome(), setCursorPosition(), moveCursorForward(), moveCursorBackward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveCursorBackward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorBackward ( size_t distance)

Moves the cursor backward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters to move the cursor in a Text Box node.
See also
moveCursorToEnd(), moveCursorHome(), setCursorPosition(), moveCursorForward(), moveCursorBackward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveCursorToEnd()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorToEnd ( )

Moves the cursor to the end of the text buffer of a Text Box node.

See also
moveCursorHome(), setCursorPosition(), moveCursorForward(), moveCursorBackward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveCursorHome()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorHome ( )

Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text buffer of a Text Box node.

See also
moveCursorToEnd(), setCursorPosition(), moveCursorForward(), moveCursorBackward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionStartForward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartForward ( size_t distance)

Moves the selection start forward in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters to move the selection in a Text Box node.
See also
moveSelectionEnd(), moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward(), selectText(), moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionStartBackward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartBackward ( size_t distance)

Moves the start of text selection backward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters by which to move the start of text selection backward.
See also
moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward(), selectText(), moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionEndForward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndForward ( size_t distance)

Moves the end of text selection forward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters by which to move the end of text selection forward.
See also
moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward(), selectText(), moveSelectionEndToNextWord(), moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionEndBackward() [1/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndBackward ( size_t distance)

Moves the end of text selection backward by a given number of characters in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

distanceThe number of characters by which to move the end of text selection backward.
See also
moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward(), selectText(), moveSelectionEndToNextWord(), moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord()

◆ selectWordAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::selectWordAtCursor ( )

Selects the word at the current cursor position.

Word selection is character-based, so cursor position is interpreted to mean character following the cursor. This means that the function can fail, if the cursor is at end of text.

See also
selectWordAt(), selectText(), clearSelection()

◆ selectWordAt()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::selectWordAt ( size_t characterPosition)

Selects the word at the specified character position.

characterPositionIndex of the character from which to start the selection. Selection expands both ways until the function reaches a word break.
See also
selectWordAtCursor(), selectText(), clearSelection()

◆ selectText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::selectText ( size_t from,
size_t to )

Selects the text between given indexes (cursor positions).

fromStart of selection.
toEnd of selection. If selection is successful, the cursor ends up here.
See also
selectWordAtCursor(), selectWordAt(), clearSelection(), getSelectedText(), getSelectionStart(), getSelectionEnd()

◆ selectAll()

Selects all the content in a Text Box node.

This method places the selection start and end cursors at the front and end of the text data.

◆ hasSelection()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::hasSelection ( ) const

Returns whether any of the text in a Text Box node is selected.

◆ getSelectedText()

string kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectedText ( )

Returns the text that is currently selected in the Text Box node.

The part of the text buffer of a Text Box node that is currently selected.
See also
selectText(), clearSelection(), getSelectionStart(), getSelectionEnd()

◆ getSelectionStart()

optional< size_t > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionStart ( ) const

Returns the start index for the current text selection, or nullopt if no text is selected.

The start index for the text selection.
See also
selectText(), clearSelection(), getSelectedText()

◆ setSelectionStart()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionStart ( size_t index)

Sets the start index for the current selection.

indexThe selection start index.
See also
getSelectionStart(), selectText(), clearSelection(), getSelectedText()

◆ getSelectionEnd()

size_t kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionEnd ( ) const

Returns the end index for the current selection.

The selection end index. Selection end always matches the cursor position.
See also
setSelectionEnd(), selectText(), clearSelection(), getSelectedText()

◆ setSelectionEnd()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setSelectionEnd ( size_t index)

Sets the end index for the current selection.

indexThe selection end index. Selection end always matches the cursor position.
See also
getSelectionEnd(), selectText(), clearSelection(), getSelectedText()

◆ clearSelection()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::clearSelection ( )

Clears the current selection.

See also
selectWordAtCursor(), selectWordAt(), selectText(), getSelectedText()

◆ deleteText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::deleteText ( size_t begin,
size_t end )

Moves the cursor to position begin and erases UTF-8 characters between positions a\ begin and end.

beginThe first UTF-8 character to be erased.
endThe first UTF-8 character not erased.
See also
deleteAtCursor(), backspaceAtCursor()

◆ deleteSelection()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::deleteSelection ( )

Erases selected text.

◆ getLineHeight()

Returns the line height of the font that the Text Box node uses.

The line height of the font that the Text Box node uses.

◆ insertTextAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::insertTextAtCursor ( string_view text)

Inserts text in a Text Box node at the cursor position and moves the cursor forward.

textThe text to insert.
See also
setText(), insertText()

◆ deleteAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::deleteAtCursor ( )

Deletes a character using delete.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script this function deletes the character on the right side of the cursor.

See also
deleteText(), backspaceAtCursor()

◆ deleteWordAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::deleteWordAtCursor ( )

Deletes the characters between the cursor position and the word boundary that follows the cursor.

Functionally equivalent to the Control + Delete keys.

◆ backspaceAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::backspaceAtCursor ( )

Deletes a character using backspace.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script this function deletes the character on the left side of the cursor.

See also
deleteText(), deleteAtCursor()

◆ backspaceWordAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::backspaceWordAtCursor ( )

Deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary using backspace.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script this function deletes the characters between the cursor and the word boundary on its left side. Functionally equivalent to the Control + Backspace keys.

◆ moveCursorForward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorForward ( )

Moves the cursor forward by one character.

See also
setCursorPosition(), moveCursorBackward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveCursorBackward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorBackward ( )

Moves the cursor backward by one character.

See also
setCursorPosition(), moveCursorForward(), moveCursorToNextWord(), moveCursorToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionStartForward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartForward ( )

Moves the beginning of the text selection forward by one character.

See also
selectText(), moveSelectionStartBackward(), moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionStartBackward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartBackward ( )

Moves the beginning of the text selection backward by one character.

See also
selectText(), moveSelectionStartForward(), moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionEndForward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndForward ( )

Moves the end of the text selection forward by one character.

See also
selectText(), moveSelectionEndBackward(), moveSelectionEndToNextWord(), moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord()

◆ moveSelectionEndBackward() [2/2]

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndBackward ( )

Moves the end of the text selection backward by one character.

See also
selectText(), moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndToNextWord(), moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord()

◆ moveCursorToNextWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorToNextWord ( )

◆ moveCursorToPreviousWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorToPreviousWord ( )

◆ moveSelectionStartToNextWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartToNextWord ( )

Moves the beginning of the text selection forward to the next word.

See also
moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord(), selectText(), moveSelectionStartForward(), moveSelectionStartBackward()

◆ moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord ( )

Moves the beginning of the text selection backward to the previous word.

See also
moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), selectText(), moveSelectionStartForward(), moveSelectionStartBackward()

◆ moveSelectionEndToNextWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndToNextWord ( )

Moves the end of the text selection forward to the next word.

See also
moveSelectionEndToNextWord(), selectText(), moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward()

◆ moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord ( )

Moves the end of the text selection backward to the previous word.

See also
moveSelectionEndToPreviousWord(), selectText(), moveSelectionEndForward(), moveSelectionEndBackward()

◆ moveSelectionEndpointBackward()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointBackward ( size_t steps)

Moves the active selection end-point backward with steps passed as argument.

stepsThe steps to move the active selection end-point backward. If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection start position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ moveSelectionEndpointForward()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointForward ( size_t steps)

Moves the active selection end-point forward with steps passed as argument.

stepsThe steps to move the active selection end-point forward. If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection end position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ moveSelectionEndpointToPreviousWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointToPreviousWord ( )

Moves the active selection end-point backward to the previous word boundary.

If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection start position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ moveSelectionEndpointToNextWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointToNextWord ( )

Moves the active selection end-point forward to the previous word boundary.

If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection end position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ moveSelectionEndpointToFront()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointToFront ( )

Moves the active selection end-point to the front.

If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection start position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ moveSelectionEndpointToBack()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveSelectionEndpointToBack ( )

Moves the active selection end-point to the end of the text.

If the selection is initiated when you call this function, the selection end position becomes the active selection end-point.

◆ notifyPostPrepareTextFormat()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::notifyPostPrepareTextFormat ( bool completeRelayoutingExecuted)

Kanzi calls this function every time it successfully completes the prepareTextFormat function.

completeRelayoutingExecutedIndicates whether a complete relayouting of the glyphs was required while preparing the text format.

◆ getDisplayText()

string kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getDisplayText ( ) const

Returns a displayable text that Kanzi constructs from the text buffer of the input manipulator owned by the Text Box node, using the kanzi::EchoMode of the Text Box.

◆ getCompositionText()

string kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getCompositionText ( ) const

Returns the composition text.

◆ enterEditingState()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::enterEditingState ( )

Tells a Text Box node to enter the editing state.

◆ leaveEditingState()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::leaveEditingState ( )

Tells a Text Box node to leave the editing state.

◆ commitCompositionText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::commitCompositionText ( )

Tells a Text Box node to commit the composition text.

◆ cancelTextComposition()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::cancelTextComposition ( )

Tells a Text Box node to cancel text composition.

◆ initialize()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::initialize ( )

TextBoxConceptImpl specific initialization.

◆ onDetached()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onDetached ( )

Overrides Node::onDetached().

◆ onInputMethodAvailableChanged()

◆ onTextChanged()

◆ onCompositionTextChanged()

◆ onCompositionTextCommitted()

◆ onTextCompositionCanceled()

◆ onInputMethodsDisconnected()

Handles TextInputManipulator::InputMethodDeactivatedMessage.

◆ onCursorMoved()

◆ onSelectionChanged()

◆ onReadOnlyStateChanged()

◆ onInputTypeChanged()

◆ onInputAction()

◆ onNodePropertyChanged()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onNodePropertyChanged ( AbstractPropertyType propertyType,
PropertyNotificationReason reason )

Node::onPropertyChanged implementation.

◆ onTextPropertyChanged()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onTextPropertyChanged ( )

Handles the update of the TextProperty.

◆ onEchoModeChanged()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onEchoModeChanged ( )

Handles the change of the kanzi::EchoMode.

◆ onInputTypePropertyChanged()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onInputTypePropertyChanged ( )

Handles the change of the kanzi::InputType.

◆ updateDisplayText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::updateDisplayText ( )

Updates the value of the DisplayTextProperty.

◆ updateCompositionText()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::updateCompositionText ( )

Updates the value of the CompositionTextProperty.

◆ moveCursorToPoint()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::moveCursorToPoint ( const Vector2 & point)

Moves the cursor to a given point.

point(X,Y) coordinates of the point to which to move the cursor.

◆ onMultiClick()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onMultiClick ( const Vector2 & clickPoint)

Handles the multi-click gesture on a node.

Selects the word at cursor.

clickPointThe click point where the gesture occurred.

◆ onPanMoved()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onPanMoved ( Vector2 point)

Handles the pan gesture, to drag the cursors including the selection cursors.

pointThe active point of a pan gesture.

◆ onPanStarted()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onPanStarted ( Vector2 clickPoint)

Handles the click begin.

This handles the single click to grab focus and to position the cursor to the click point. A Text Box node gets the focus independent of its edit mode.

clickPointThe click point where the gesture occurred.

◆ onPanFinished()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::onPanFinished ( )

Handles pan finishing.

◆ onAboutToLoseFocus()

Handler for FocusManager::AboutToLoseFocusMessage.

argsThe pre-focus message arguments.

◆ onFocusGained()

Handler for FocusManager::FocusGainedMessage.

argsThe post focus message arguments.

◆ onFocusLost()

Handler for FocusManager::FocusLostMessage.

argsThe post focus message arguments.

◆ handleInsertTextAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::InsertTextAtCursorMessage.

argsThe text content message arguments.

◆ handleBackspaceAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::BackspaceAtCursorMessage.

argsThe erase characters message arguments.

◆ handleBackspaceWordAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage.

argsThe erase characters message arguments.

◆ handleDeleteAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteAtCursorMessage.

argsThe erase characters message arguments.

◆ handleDeleteWordAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteWordAtCursorMessage.

argsThe erase characters message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorBackward()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorBackwardMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorForward()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorForwardMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorToPreviousWord()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveCursorToPreviousWord ( const TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorToNextWord()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToNextWordMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorHome()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorHomeMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveCursorToEnd()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToEndMessage.

argsThe move cursor message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionStartForward()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionStartForward ( const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionStartBackward()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionStartBackward ( const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage ( TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage ( TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionEndForward()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionEndBackward()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionEndBackward ( const TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage ( TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleMoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleMoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage ( TextBoxConcept::ModifySelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleSelectTextMessage()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectTextMessage.

argsThe text selection message arguments.

◆ handleDeleteTextMessage()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteTextMessage.

argsThe text selection message arguments.

◆ handleDeleteSelectionMessage()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::handleDeleteSelectionMessage ( TextBoxConcept::DeleteSelectionMessageArguments & args)

Handler for TextBoxConcept::DeleteSelectionMessage.

argsThe erase selection message arguments.

◆ handleInsertTextMessage()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::InsertTextMessage.

argsThe text insertion message arguments.

◆ handleSelectToHome()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectToHomeMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleSelectToEnd()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectToEndMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleClearSelection()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::ClearSelectionMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleSelectAll()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectAllMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleSelectWordAtCursor()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::SelectWordAtCursorMessage.

argsThe modify selection message arguments.

◆ handleEnterEditing()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::EnterEditingStateMessage.

argsThe enter editing message arguments.

◆ handleLeaveEditing()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::LeaveEditingStateMessage.

argsThe exit editing message arguments.

◆ handleCommitCompositionText()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::CommitCompositionTextMessage.

argsThe commit composition text message arguments.

◆ handleCancelTextComposition()

Handler for TextBoxConcept::CancelTextCompositionMessage.

argsThe commit composition text message arguments.

◆ hitTestSelectionStart()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::hitTestSelectionStart ( Vector2 point) const

Checks whether the point is on the selection starting point surroundings.

◆ hitTestSelectionEnd()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::hitTestSelectionEnd ( Vector2 point) const

Checks whether the point is on the selection ending point surroundings.

◆ hitTestAfterSelectionEnd()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::hitTestAfterSelectionEnd ( Vector2 point) const

Checks whether the point is positioned after the point where text selection ends.

◆ hitTestAheadSelectionStart()

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::hitTestAheadSelectionStart ( Vector2 point) const

Checks whether the point is positioned ahead of the point where text selection starts.

◆ reloadCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::reloadCursor ( )

Reloads from the CursorPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor.

◆ reloadSelectionStart()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::reloadSelectionStart ( )

Reloads from the SelectionStartPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection.

◆ reloadSelectionEnd()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::reloadSelectionEnd ( )

Reloads from the SelectionEndPrefabProperty the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection.

◆ reloadTextHint()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::reloadTextHint ( )

Reloads from the TextHintPrefabProperty the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the TextBox node is empty.

◆ updateCharacterCount()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::updateCharacterCount ( )

Updates the value of the CharacterCountProperty.

◆ updateWordCount()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::updateWordCount ( )

Updates the value of the WordCountProperty.

◆ transformRect() [1/2]

Rectangle< float > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::transformRect ( const Matrix3x3 & m,
Rectangle< float > rect )

Transforms a given rectangle with a given matrix.

If the matrix includes rotation the result is the smallest rectangle without the rotation containing the transformed rectangle.

mMatrix used to transform the rectangle.
rectRectangle to transform.
Transformed rectangle.

◆ transformRect() [2/2]

Rectangle< float > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::transformRect ( const Matrix4x4 & m,
Rectangle< float > rect )

Transforms a given rectangle with a given matrix.

If the matrix includes rotation the result is the smallest rectangle without the rotation containing the transformed rectangle.

mMatrix used to transform the rectangle.
rectRectangle to transform.
Transformed rectangle.

◆ startEditing()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::startEditing ( )

Tells a Text Box node to enter the editing state.

◆ refreshTextHint()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::refreshTextHint ( )

Refresh text hint visibility.

◆ censorRevealedCharacter()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::censorRevealedCharacter ( )

Censors the revealed character in password echo mode.

Updates display text. Kanzi uses the method as a timer callback function when password echo timer completes.

◆ deleteCharactersAtCursor()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::deleteCharactersAtCursor ( int count)

Deletes a given number of characters at cursor position.

See also
deleteText(), deleteAtCursor(), backspaceAtCursor()
countNumber of characters to delete. To delete forwards use positive values, to delete backwards use negative values.

◆ calculateSelectionCoordinates()

vector< pair< float, float > > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::calculateSelectionCoordinates ( ) const

Calculates the individual selection coordinates of a given Text Box node state.

A vector of selection [begin, end] endpoint coordinate pairs between which the text is selected. For bidirectional text buffer content the vector can contain several selection endpoint pairs. If no text is selected, returns an empty vector.

◆ calculateCompositionHighlightCoordinates()

vector< pair< float, float > > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::calculateCompositionHighlightCoordinates ( ) const

Calculates the individual composition text highlight coordinates of a given Text Box node state.

A vector of selection [begin, end] endpoint coordinate pairs between which the composition text is highlighted. For bidirectional text buffer content the vector can contain several composition text endpoint pairs. If no text composition is detected, returns an empty vector.

◆ getSelectionEndPoints()

pair< float, float > kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getSelectionEndPoints ( ) const

Returns the selection end point coordinates from the given Text Box node state.

It takes the effective selection start and end points on mixed directional text buffer content.

The effective start and end points of the selected text in the text buffer.

◆ setRevealLastInsertedCharacter()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::setRevealLastInsertedCharacter ( bool reveal)

Sets whether to reveal the last inserted character in password echo mode.

Some actions, such as erasing text, reset this to false.

revealTo show the last inserted character, pass true.

◆ getTextForFormatting()

string kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::getTextForFormatting ( ) const

Returns the m_displayText with added explicit directionality marker if it is a password text.

Returns the m_displayText and if that text is considered a password text, returns it with the explicit directionality marker.

◆ updateDraggingStatus()

void kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::updateDraggingStatus ( )

Updates the dragging flags:

Call this method after any update to the selection start or end indices.

◆ createTextFormatParameters()

TextConcept::TextFormatParameters kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::createTextFormatParameters ( float width,
float height ) const

Creates the parameters that are needed for initializing the TextFormat of a Text Box node.

widthThe available width.
heightThe available height.
TextFormatParameters suitable for initializing the TextFormat of a Text Box node.
See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_revealLastInsertedCharacter

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_revealLastInsertedCharacter

Whether to show, instead of censoring, the last inserted character in password echo mode.

◆ m_classValueHitTestable

ClassPropertyDefaultValue<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_classValueHitTestable

Default value for the Hit Testable property.

◆ m_classValueFocusable

Default value for the Focusable property.

◆ m_cursorNode

shared_ptr<TBaseClass> kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_cursorNode

Stores the prefab template instantiated from the CursorPrefabProperty.

◆ m_selectionStartNode

shared_ptr<TBaseClass> kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_selectionStartNode

Stores the prefab template instantiated from the SelectionStartPrefabProperty.

◆ m_selectionEndNode

shared_ptr<TBaseClass> kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_selectionEndNode

Stores the prefab template instantiated from the SelectionEndPrefabProperty.

◆ m_textHintNode

shared_ptr<TBaseClass> kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_textHintNode

Stores the prefab template instantiated from the TextHintPrefabProperty.

◆ m_inputManipulator

The TextInputManipulator attached to the TextBox.

◆ m_draggingBegin

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_draggingBegin

The drag state of the selection cursor for the start selection cursor.

◆ m_draggingEnd

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_draggingEnd

The drag state of the selection cursor for the end selection cursor.

◆ m_draggingInverted

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_draggingInverted

Indicates whether the selection start index is after the selection end index in x coordinates when either m_draggingBegin or m_draggingEnd is set to true.

◆ m_panOngoing

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_panOngoing

Helper flag for selection change messages.

◆ m_contentChanged

bool kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_contentChanged

Helper flag for editing started and finished messages.

◆ m_messageTokens

The following MessageSubscriptionTokens are used for controlling the message subscription while a TextBox is in editing state.

The subscription tokens are initialized by addMessageHandler and released by removeMessageHandlers.

See also
addMessageHandler(), removeMessageHandler()

◆ m_layoutInfo

◆ m_passwordEchoTimeoutToken

MainLoopTimerToken kanzi::TextBoxConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass, TTextBoxTraits >::m_passwordEchoTimeoutToken

Timer subscription token for password echo timeout.

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